Mapping of littoral habitat using underwater videography

Habitat assessments of littoral zones remain fundamental to lake and fisheries management, however traditional field surveys are time intensive and limited in their spatial extent, whereas desktop evaluations using remote sensing and aerial imagery are cost prohibitive and require considerable data processing expertise. In light of these challenges, this study demonstrated the ability to use simple, cost-effective underwater videography to conduct lake-wide spatially-continuous assessments of littoral habitat. Underwater videography represents a relevant tool for environmental monitoring because it allows for the estimation of littoral habitats at fine spatial grains across broad spatial extents. Data can also be obtained rapidly and at relatively low cost, providing a permanent record of habitat conditions that can used to monitor trends over time.

Olden, J.D., Miler, O., and A. Bijaye. 2022. Lake-wide mapping of littoral habitat using underwater videography. Knowl. Manag. Aquat. Ecosyst., 423, 18. Article


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